Awards and Recognition

District 5360 Awards

Paul Harris Fellow

The Paul Harris Fellow recognition acknowledges individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 USD to The Rotary Foundation.

Rotary established the recognition in 1957 to encourage and show appreciation for substantial contributions to what was then the Foundation’s only program, Rotary Foundation Fellowships for Advanced Study, the precursor to Ambassadorial Scholarships. 






This award recognizes one outstanding Rotarian or Rotaractor within the District who was inspired to demonstrate outstanding achievement in Rotary and in the community both locally and internationally and, through his or her actions, has been an inspiration to others to do the same.
Submission deadline: 15 March
Monty J. Audenart
The theme of the award is “Inspiring others above and beyond.”  The award commemorates the contributions of Dr. Monty Audenart, a Red Deer dentist who served as District Governor of RI District 5360, from 2000 to 2001 and as RI Vice president from 2008 to 2009.  He was the Trustee of the Rotary Foundation at the time of his passing on January 21, 2015.
The selection committee comprises The District Governor, the District Governor-Elect, The District Governor Nominee, a member of the Rotary Club of Red Deer East and the Awards Chair. The Recipient of the award will be announced at the District Conference.
In addition to completing the attached form, please use additional sheets to describe what qualifies your nominee for the award. Include any writings, previous awards, accomplishments, and contributions to Rotary, in the Club, and in the community, locally and internationally. Please send material in electronic format. Focus on what the nominee has done that emulated the values and actions of Dr. Monty Audenart and demonstrates unquestionable integrity.
The application should be sent to the District Awards Chair.
The award will only be given if the selection committee finds that the individual meets the necessary qualifications.
Unsuccessful candidates will be carried over for two additional Rotary years. During this time, the nominator can provide information about new accomplishments that will strengthen the candidate’s application.
The recipient of the Dr. Monty J. Audenart Award will
  • Have their name permanently inscribed on the Award trophy
  • Receive a plaque emblematic of the Award for permanent retention
  • A donation of $1000 Canadian will be issued from the Rotary Club of Red Deer East towards a Rotary project of the recipient’s choice

for Outstanding Rotary Clubs Large/Medium/Small

This award is for the large, medium and small CLUBS, which best reflect the themes of Rotary International and the District. Large clubs: over 100 members; Medium clubs: 40 – 100; Small clubs: less than 40.
Submission deadline: 15 April
Glen Peacock
During his year as District Governor in Alberta, the Rotary Club of Fairview was organized. “As Canada pushes back its frontier,” he predicted, “Rotary will move deeper and deeper into the northland. Bad roads and cold weather are no match for the Rotary spirit.” Glen was a member of the Rotary Club of Calgary. He served our district as District Governor from 1954-55 and as an RI director from 1958-60. Under his guidance, the first extension Calgary club in 1955 was formed, then known as the Manchester Club. Manchester later became the Rotary Club of Calgary South. His classification was motion-picture theatres, Theatre owner.


This award is for the best CLUB public relations activity that promotes “Rotary” in their community. This may be in conjunction with a fundraiser, service project or donor project.
Submission deadline: 15 April
Mel Cunningham
M. M. (Mel) Cunningham was born in 1898 in Woodrow, Saskatchewan. As a young man, he moved to Lethbridge, Alberta, where he married Margaret Perry, the daughter of a pioneer Southern Alberta farming family.
In 1938, he moved to Red Deer, where he started a farm implement dealership, which he operated for over 20 years. In 1955 he was named Alberta vice-president of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. He also served as a director of the Canadian Federation of Farm Equipment Dealers.
Mel was introduced to Rotary by Dr. Gilbert Paterson. He served as club president in 1953-1954 and was a delegate to the Rotary International Convention in Seattle, Washington in 1954. He served as Rotary District Governor for District 536 in 1958-1959. He was a group discussion leader at the Rotary International Assembly in 1958.
Mel Cunningham passed away on March 14, 1974.


This award is for the CLUB with the greatest percentage increase in net new members. Net membership will be based on reported membership in My Rotary as of 15 April.
James Wheeler Davidson
The man who took Rotary Worldwide! Jim was born in Austin, Minnesota, on June 14, 1872. In his early adulthood, he led an exciting and adventurous life trekking from the North Pole to travels into the Far East, where he met his wife-to-be, Lillian, who was a San Franciscan. James and Lillian came to Calgary in 1906, where he established Crown Lumber.
In March of 1914, he became a charter member of the Rotary Club of Calgary. He then went on to become a director and then President in 1919. In 1921 Rotary raised $11,000.00 and sent Jim and J. Layton Ralston of Halifax to Australia carrying the goals and ideals of Rotary with them. By 1932, Jim had literally travelled the globe, interviewed thousands of individuals and influenced the development of Rotary Clubs worldwide. During his travels, he chartered 23 Rotary Clubs in 12 countries. Jim served as District Governor during 1923-24.
Jim Davidson was a director and Vice-president of Rotary International for 1926-27. James Wheeler Davidson died on July 18, 1933.  Read More...


This award is for the CLUB with the highest attendance at the District Conference based on District Conference registrations as of 15 April. Conference Host Rotary Club is excluded from this award.
George H. “Curly” Galbraith
George Harshaw Galbraith was born in Vulcan, Alberta, on June 4, 1921.
In 1949, with degrees in Engineering and Business Administration, “Curly” established his own firm connected with the development and distribution of mechanical products. George and Doris were married in 1955.
“Curly” became a Rotarian with the Calgary Club in 1949-50 and he has managed over 55 years of perfect attendance. The contributions of PRIVP (Past Rotary International Vice President) Curly Galbraith have been considerable. After serving as District Governor in 1980, he served as an RI director (1988-90) and vice president (1989-90). Curly served on numerous international committees, including vice-chair of the 1996 International Convention in Calgary. He was the national chairman of the Canadian Rotary Committee for International Development (CRCID) for four years. He represented District 5360 four times on the Council on Legislation and served twice on the RI president’s nominating committee. He was the Founder and co-convener of Rotary’s Stay in School Initiative. For over twenty years, Curly Galbraith had telephoned every member of the Calgary Rotary Club and other Calgary Rotarians on their birthday to wish them a “Happy Birthday.”


This award is for the CLUB with the highest per capita year-to-date contribution to the Rotary Foundation Annual Fund as reported by the Rotary Foundation as of 15 April.
Dr. Gilbert Currie Paterson
Gilbert was born in 1893 and received his early schooling in his hometown of Stayner, Ontario. He came west, and for some years, Gilbert was a teacher and school principal serving communities in and around Medicine Hat. He then went on to U of A and received a law degree which took him to Lethbridge, where he practised until the mid-sixties. He was married to Nan. Gilbert was a school trustee for three decades and co-founded Lethbridge Junior College.
Dr. Paterson was the Club president of the Lethbridge Rotary Club from 1941-42. From 1959-60 he served as District Governor for 536. During his years as a Rotarian, he was most active and enthusiastic about the annual Waterton Peace Park Assembly with its “hands across the border” event.


For the club with the highest percentage attendance at the District Conference based on District Conference registrations as of 15 April. Conference Host Rotary Club is excluded from this award. 
Ryerson M Christie
Ryerson was a very active Rotarian at District and RI levels from 1947 to 1952. For the term of 1946-47, he was the president of the Cardston Rotary Club. In April 1948, he was the special representative responsible for chartering the Claresholm Rotary Club. As district governor in 1948-49(then 116 District RI) he hosted the District Conference in Banff June 1-3, 1949. At the 1949 International Convention, he was nominated to be a member of the Canadian Advisory Committee. From 1951-52, he served as a member of the Program Planning Committee of R.I.
Ryerson Christie was born on Jan. 17, 1888, at Island Brook, Compton, Quebec. He married Ada Dunning on January 20, 1917. His death was recorded in October 1974.


The ShelterBox Canada Hero program recognizes the ongoing dedication and support of Rotary Clubs in Canada who believe that no family should go without shelter.
A Rotary Club is recognized based on the club's total contributions, fundraising, and members throughout each Rotary year.  There are three ShelterBox Canada Hero levels: Bronze ($1,200+), Silver ($3,600) and Gold ($6,000).
For more information on the Shelterbox Canada Hero program check out this link:
District Awards Recipients
Dr. Monty J. Audenart
Inspirational Award
Established 2015
Hank Popoff, Calgary Chinook 2015-2016
Richard "Rick" Grass, Airdrie 2016-2017
Clarence & Evelyn Buckley, Calgary West 2017-2018
Gerry Darichuk, Calgary North 2018-2019
Patrick Killoran, Lethbridge 2019-2020
Dr. Frances Leggett, Lethbridge East 2020-2021
Lynne Paradis, Red Deer
Bob Wiens, Calgary @ Stampede Park 2022-2023
Judy Cochran, Calgary West 2023-2024
Club Recipients
Glen Peacock Award for Outstanding Rotary Clubs
Large Clubs - Over 100 members
Medium Clubs - 40 - 100 Members
Small Clubs - less than 40 members
Mel Cunningham Publicity Award
2014-2015     Calgary Downtown
      Rotaract Calgary, Medicine Hat 2017-2018
Calgary at Stampede Park, 2019-2020 High River, 2019-2020 Brooks, 2019-2020 Stettler, 2019-2020
Calgary Downtown, 2020-2021 Calgary Chinook, 2020-2021 Raymond, 2020-2021 Lethbridge Mosaic,
Calgary Downtown, 2021-2022 Calgary West,
Okotoks, 2021-2022 University of Calgary Rotaract, 2021-2022
Calgary at Stampede Park,
Lethbridge Downtown,
Calgary Fish Creek, 2022-2023 Okotoks, 2022-2023
Canmore, 2022-2023 Red Deer,
Lethbridge East,
Calgary Downtown, 2023-2024 Medicine Hat and Medicine Hat (Saamis), 2023-2024 Cochrane Rocky Mountain, 2023-2024 Calgary At Stampede Park, 2023-2024
James Wheeler Davidson
Membership Award
George (Curly) Galbraith
Club Attendance Award
Dr. Gilbert Paterson
Rotary Foundation Contribution Award
Ryerson Christie
Conference Attendance Award
Calgary West 2014-2015 Medicine Hat
Lethbridge Urban Spirits 2017-2018 Calgary Downtown 2017-2018 Sylvan Lake 2017-2018 Calgary Olympic
Cochrane 2019-2020 Calgary Downtown 2019-2020 Calgary Fish Creek 2020-2021 Calgary Fish Creek 2019-2020
Okotoks 2020-2021 Calgary Heritage Park 2020-2021 Calgary Fish Creek 2020-2021 Calgary Fish Creek 2020-2021
Medicine Hat Sunrise, 2021-2022 Canmore, 2021-2022 Calgary at Stampede Park, 2021-2022 Cochrane, 2021-2022
Red Deer, 2022-2023 Lethbridge, 2022-2023 Calgary Millennium,
Lethbridge Sunrise, 2022-2023
    Honourable Mention
Lethbridge East, 2022-2023
Sylvan Lake, 2023-2024 Calgary, 2023-2024 Calgary Millenium, 2023-2024 Calgary Fish Creek, 2023-2024
Honourable Mention Drumheller, 2023-2024      

Rotary International Awards

Honor a club member who participates in service activities in each of the five Avenues of Service: Club, Vocational, Community, International and Youth.
Who can nominate: Club Presidents
Submission deadline: Recognition materials will be available in July
Honor members who have been actively involved in service activities related to The Rotary Foundation, such as serving on a Foundation committee, participating in a grant-funded project, or supporting a Rotary Peace Fellow.
Who can nominate: District Governors
Submission deadline: 30 June
Download the nomination form
The Distinguished Service Award is the Foundation’s highest service recognition and is given to Rotarians who have demonstrated exemplary service to the Foundation. Recipients must have received the Citation for Meritorious Service four years prior to be eligible for this award.
Who can nominate: Rotarians
Submission deadline: 30 June
Note: The nomination period for accepting Distinguished Service Award nominations is now closed.
Present a certificate to Rotarians in your district who are making a difference through the Foundation’s programs.
Who can nominate: District Governors
Submission deadline: None
Download the certificate order form (limit 20 certificates)
Rotary’s highest honor recognizes up to 150 Rotarians each year who demonstrate their commitment to helping others by volunteering their time and talents.
Who can nominate: Current District Governor
Submission deadline: 1 November
Note: The nomination period for accepting Service Above Self Award nominations is now closed.
This award recognizes outstanding contributions to our polio eradication efforts. Each year, we give up to 10 regional service awards per WHO region to worthy recipients. We also give 10 international awards to people whose work has had a widespread impact.
Who can nominate: Rotarians
Submission deadline: 1 November
Download the nomination form and guidelines
This award is made to honour Rotarians who provided extraordinary service to The Rotary Foundation, such service having a substantial impact on the ultimate goal of polio eradication.
Eligible Rotarians must have performed exceptionally meritorious service to the ultimate cause of polio eradication prior to 1 November 1992. The service must be non-financial, although service in advocacy and fundraising is not excluded. The service must not have been adequately recognized by another Foundation award.
Who can nominate: Rotarians.
Deadline: None
Your Rotary club can earn a Rotary Citation for achieving goals that strengthen Rotary and your club. Goals include increasing club membership, developing sustainable service projects, giving to The Rotary Foundation, and building awareness of Rotary in your community.
Deadline to achieve all goals: 30 June
Visit the Rotary Citation for Rotary Clubs webpage:
Rotaract clubs that achieve the goals listed in the Rotary Citation for Rotaract Clubs by the end of the Rotary year will earn a citation.
Deadline to achieve all goals: 30 June
Visit the Rotary Citation for Rotary Clubs webpage:
Interact clubs that achieve the goals listed in the Rotary Citation for Interact Clubs by the end of the Rotary year will earn a citation.
Who can nominate: Sponsoring club’s President or District Leader
Deadline to achieve all goals: 30 June
Deadline to report qualifying clubs to RI: 15 August
Visit the Rotary Citation for Rotary Clubs webpage:
Recognize a club in your district whose project has addressed a significant problem or need in your community (international projects are not eligible). You can nominate one club per district each year.
Who can nominate: District Governors
Submission deadline: 15 March
Download the Nomination form
Recognize Rotaractors who are making a sustainable impact in one of Rotary's areas of focus through their innovative community or international service projects.
Who can nominate: Rotaractors
Submission deadline: 1 August - 1 February
Download the Nomination form 
This award recognizes up to 150 non-Rotarians, including spouses and partners of Rotarians who have demonstrated exemplary humanitarian service consistent with Rotary's ideals, and who might otherwise go unrecognized.
Who can nominate: District Governor
Submission deadline: 1 April
This award recognizes one outstanding Rotary alumnus each year whose humanitarian service and professional achievements demonstrate the impact of Rotary's programs.
Who can nominate: Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinators
Submission deadline: 30 June
Click for more information
Recognize Rotaract clubs that celebrate the founding of the first club during World Rotaract Week, which occurs each year during the week of 13 March. Activities can range from partnering with an international Rotaract club to publicizing Rotaract in your local media.
Who can nominate: Sponsoring Rotary Club or district Rotaract Chair
Submission deadline: None
Download the certificate
Recognize Interact clubs that celebrate the founding of the first club during World Interact Week, which occurs each year during the week of 5 November. Activities can range from working on a joint project with a Rotary club to inviting potential members to a club meeting or project.
Who can nominate: Sponsoring Rotary Club or District Interact Regional Coordinators
Submission deadline: None
Download the certificate
RI Award Recipients
Rotary International
Avenues of Service Citation
Rotary Foundation
Citation for Meritorious Service
Rotary Foundation
Distinguished Service Award
Rotary Foundation
District Service Award
  James Robinson, Calgary Downtown 1982 James Robinson, Calgary Downtown 1983  
  John Rymes 1991-1992    
  Alan Williams 1994-1995    
  William (Bill) Gillott, Calgary Downtown 1998-1999    
  Chuck Masur 1999-2000    
William R. Dickson, Calgary Centennial 2009 Neil Swensrude, Red Deer East 2006-2007    
Robert W. Wiens, Calgary South 2009 Walter Haessel, Calgary Downtown 2013-2014    
  Jack Thompson, Calgary at Stampede Park 2015-2016    
Henry Chorney, Calgary North 2016-2017      
Craig Henderson, Calgary Downtown 2020-2021 Gail Williams, Calgary West
  Hendrik Kraay, Calgary Olympic
Scott McDermott
Jamie Moorhouse, Calgary at Stampede Park 2020-2021 Walter Haessel, Calgary Downtown 2020-2021 Kurt Kowalchuk, Calgary Downtown
      Jamie Moorhouse,
      Marlene Doherty,
Rotary Foundation
Service Above Self Award
Rotary Foundation
Service Award for a Polio-Free World
Kenneth R. Ford, South Edmonton 1993-1994  
Dr. L.C. "Chuck" Masur, Calgary Centennial 1995-1996  
Carl Smith, Calgary Downtown
Philip Libin, Calgary Downtown
Raju Paul, Calgary Heritage Park
Clayton Caroll, Calgary South
Neil Swensrude, Red Deer East
Garth Toombs, Calgary Downtown
Walter Haessel, Calgary Downtown
Michael Haydn "Mike" Smith, Calgary Centennial 2011-2012  
Bernard "Bernie" Carrier, Lethbridge
Steven Rickard, Calgary West
Daniel Doherty, Calgary West
John Alexander "Sandy" Mackay, Medicine Hat, 2017-2018  
Gerry Darichuk, Calgary North,
Barbara Young, Calgary Downtown,
Marlene Doherty, Calgary West, 2020-2021
Wally Gardiner, High River,