Strategic Planning
What is a Strategic Plan?
It's the result of a visioning process that determines where the District or Club wants to go over the next five years and how it's going to get there. It is a systematic planning process involving a number of steps that identify the current status, including its mission statement, vision for the future, operating values, needs (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats), goals, key strategies and action plans.
Simply put, it's a roadmap for the future
Simply put, it's a roadmap for the future
Why a Strategic Plan?
- One-year plans are not always effective in the long term
- Establishes a multi-year coordinated plan
- Brings about greater continuity, consistency, and consensus
What Can a Strategic Plan Do?
- Sustain and increase membership
- Implement successful service projects
- Support the Rotary Foundation
- Develop leaders beyond the club level
How Can I Get Started?
Rotary 5360 has a Strategic Planning Team to assist your club in developing your club's strategic plan.
If you would like additional information or would like to schedule a session, contact the Rotary 5360 Strategic Planning Team.